資料編號: | HK-1132 |
植物科名: (APG新系統) | ACTINIDIACEAE獼猴桃科 [找同科植物] |
標室舊系統 | ACTINIDIACEAE獼猴桃科[找同科] |
特別特徵: | 單葉互生 |
資料更新: | 20211123 09:10:48 pm |
備註: 獼猴桃屬: Woody vines; flowers unisexual, plants dioecious or polygamous; styles many 水東哥屬: Trees or shrubs; flowers bisexual or plants functionally dioecious FOHK: Woody vines, trees or shrubs, polygamous or dioecious. Leaves simple, alternate, pinnately veined, exstipulate. Inflorescence usually fascicled, cymose, or paniculate, axillary. Flowers bisexual or unisexual. Sepals 5, rarely fewer, imbricate. Petals 5, sometimes 4 or 6, imbricate or convolute. Stamens 10 –many, distinct or adnate to base of petals; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing by apical pores or longitudinal slits. Ovary superior, 5–many-locular; ovules 10–many on axile placentation; styles 3–many, distinct or connate, usually persistent. Fruit a berry or capsule. Seeds small, endosperm copious, embryo large, straight. | |
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