資料編號: | HK-1164 |
中文名稱: | 毛果杜英 |
學名: | Elaeocarpus rugosus [找同屬植物] |
植物科名: (APG新系統) | ELAEOCARPACEAE杜英科 [找同科植物] |
標室舊系統 | ELAEOCARPACEAE杜英科[找同科] |
生長習性: | 喬木 |
圖片花色: | white |
發現開花: | May |
特別特徵: | 常見植物 |
圖片果色: | green |
資料更新: | 20200124 12:36:32 am |
備註: 大葉杜英 跟 毛果有花的話比較好分,先由最容易觀察的說起:(thanks Crawford Law's info) 1. 毛果杜英雄蕊頂部具芒4-4.5毫米, 而大葉杜英雄蕊頂部不具芒; (芒跟絨毛差很遠,有夠粗的,離遠點都看到,一條雄蕊才得一條芒在頂) 2. 毛果杜英花瓣跟萼片都比較長近一倍有餘,毛果杜英萼片5或6,1.2-1.5厘米,花瓣5或6,1.3-1.5厘米;而大葉杜英萼片長6毫米,花瓣5片,长6-7毫米。 3. 毛果杜英雄蕊45-51;大葉杜英雄蕊28-32枚 (這個我倒沒真的數過,這兩天有空數一下,不過兩者數目差異有夠大) 所以其實到底有沒有真的大葉杜英 在街上倒真的不知道,看來看去都是毛果。 資料來源: http://foc.eflora.cn/cecontent.aspx?TaxonID=250076958 http://foc.eflora.cn/content.aspx?TaxonId=200013516 而有時看毛果杜英,會發現葉形特別是葉尖的部分會有差異,容易引起誤會以為是別的東西。 這部分中文版不知為啥漏了,英文版寫得好清楚,apex shortly acute, rounded, or emarginate. (葉尖 尖,圓跟凹都有) reference 最近知道有款叫 細葉杜英 Elaeocarpus rugosus ‘Microphylla’ 。它是毛果杜英的園藝種,香港有買來種。葉形像毛果的縮水版。間中見到跟水石榕拍埋一齊種。(thanks Crawford Law's info) FOC: Trees to 30 m tall, to 2 m dbh Bark gray; branchlets robust, 6-12 mm in diam., rust-brown puberulent, with conspicuous leaf and infructescence scars. Leaves fascicled or clustered at twig apices; petiole 1-2.6 cm, rust-colored puberulent at first, glabrescent, swollen at base; leaf blade obovate-lanceolate, obovate, or obovate-elliptic, (14-)18-30(-45) × 6-11(-16) cm, leathery or thinly so, abaxially very sparsely pilose on midvein, adaxially puberulent on midvein only, lateral veins 16-18 per side, prominently raised abaxially, prominent adaxially, veinlets prominently raised abaxially, conspicuous adaxially, base cuneate, margin sparsely shallowly crenate, apex shortly acute, rounded, or emarginate. Racemes in axils of fallen and current leaves, dense, 4-12 cm, 8-10-flowered; peduncles rust-colored tomentose. Pedicel 0.9-1.8 cm, rust-colored tomentose. Flowers large; buds 1- 1.4 cm. Sepals 5 or 6, 1.2-1.5 cm, abaxially pubescent, adaxially glabrous. Petals 5 or 6, 1.3-1.5 cm × ca . 8 mm, laciniate; lobes 15-20, abaxially densely rust-colored tomentose, adaxially tomentose, margin ciliate. Stamens 45-51; filaments 2-2.5 mm; anthers 3.5-4 mm, with awn 4-4.5 mm. Disk 5 -lobed, pubescent. Ovary tomentose, 2-loculed; ovules numerous in each locule; style slightly longer than stamens, pubescent in lower part. Drupe ellipsoid, ca. 3.5 × 2-2.5 cm, tomentose; endocarp conspicuously verrucate, 1-loculed . Seed 1. Fl. Mar, fr. May-Aug. 對30米高的喬木,直徑達2米。樹皮灰色;小枝粗壯,直徑的6-12毫米,銹棕色被微柔毛,帶有明顯的葉痕和果序痕。在小枝尖的葉簇生;葉柄1-2.6厘米,最初銹色被微柔毛,後脫落,在基部膨脹;葉片倒卵狀披針形,倒卵形,或者倒卵狀橢圓形, ( 14-)18 -30(-45) * 6-11(-16) 厘米, 革質或薄革質背面的疏生柔毛在中脈上, 正面只被微柔毛的在中脈上, 側脈16-18每邊, 顯著背面突起,突出,細脈顯著背面突起,正面明顯,淺具圓齒的基部楔形,邊緣疏生, 總狀花序生脫落的或當年葉的葉腋,緊密,4-12厘米,8-10花;花序梗銹色被絨毛。 Pedicel 0.9-1.8厘米,銹色被絨毛。花大; 芽1-1.4 厘米。萼片5或6,1.2-1.5厘米,背面具短柔毛,正面無毛。花瓣5或6,1.3-1.5厘米 * 約8毫米,條裂; 裂片15-20,背面密被銹色被絨毛,正面被絨毛,邊緣具緣毛。雄蕊45-51; 花絲2-2.5毫米; 花藥3.5 -4毫米,具芒4-4.5毫米。花盤5淺裂,短柔毛。子房被絨毛,2室; 在每子房室裡的胚珠多數; 花柱稍長於雄蕊,短柔毛在下部。核果橢圓形,約 3.5 * 2-2.5 厘米,被絨毛; 內果皮顯著的有疣,1室。種子1。花期 3月,果期5月8月。 This species was misidentified in FRPS (49(1): 10. 1989) as Elaeocarpus apiculatus Masters. 本種被在《中國植物誌》裡錯誤地識別 ( 49(1): 10. 1989) 作為Elaeocarpus apiculatus Master。 | |
如資料有任何錯誤,歡迎聯絡本會. info@hkcww.org | |
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