資料編號: | HK-2453 |
中文名稱: | 黃果龍葵_瑪瑙珠 |
學名: | Solanum diphyllum [找同屬植物] |
植物科名: (APG新系統) | SOLANACEAE茄科 [找同科植物] |
標室舊系統 | SOLANACEAE茄科[找同科] |
生長習性: | 多年生長綠小灌木 |
原生/外來: | 外來植物 |
圖片花色: | white |
發現開花: | Aug_Sept |
特別特徵: | 單葉互生_果實有毒 |
資料更新: | 20240309 10:47:07 am |
備註: 花5-20朵, 花序蝎尾狀 -- 黃果龍葵_瑪瑙珠 S. diphyllum 花1-3朵, 很少成蝎尾狀花序 -- 珊瑚櫻_吉慶果 S. pseudocapsicum 標室: 瑪瑙珠Solanum pseudocapsicum var. diflorum 圖片應是黃果龍葵Solanum diphyllum kplant.biodiv.tw: 高約 1 公尺,莖枝細直,黑綠色,分枝甚多,嫩枝上面有密密的短毛。單葉互生,不具托葉,表面平滑,倒披針形,稍彎曲,全緣;葉緣不規則波狀;葉面濃綠,葉背淡綠,搓揉葉片可聞到特殊腥味。白花,花後立即結果(漿果)。幼果綠色,成熟後漸轉成橙黃色、橘紅色,果熟期為 4~10 月。果實直徑通常在 1 公分以下,在分類上也是一種漿果,成熟前呈綠色,成熟後轉為橙黃,但因果皮較薄,抗旱力稍差,果實未脫離母株前,就會有乾癟皺縮的現象。瑪瑙珠的果實雖然晶瑩剔透,外觀漂亮,但是不可誤食,可避免中毒的危險。漿果,種子多又細小。 FOC: Solanum diphyllum Linnaeus Shrubs glabrous. Stems erect, 0.5-2 m tall, young stems angled proximal to nodes from decurrent leaf bases, otherwise terete. Leaves unequal paired; petiole of major leaf 1-1.5 cm, winged by leaf bases; blade of major leaf elliptic to oblong, sometimes broad, 4-9 × 2-3.5 cm, base attenuate and decurrent on petiole and stem, margin entire, apex rounded; minor leaves subsessile, blade rounded, 1.5-3 × 1.2-2.2 cm, entire. Inflorescences leaf opposed, short scorpioid racemes, often subumbellate; peduncle unbranched, 3-12 mm, later bearing conspicuous pedicel scars. Pedicel 5-12 mm, erect at anthesis. Calyx constricted at base and just proximal to lobes, 2-2.5 mm; lobes deltate, ca. 1 mm, minutely ciliolate. Corolla white, 3.5-4.5 mm, lobed ca. 3/4 way to base. Filaments short; anthers 1-1.5 mm. Ovary glabrous. Style 3-4 mm. Fruiting pedicel erect, 0.8-1.4 cm. Berry orange, globose, slightly 2-lobed, 7-12 mm in diam. Seeds yellow or tan, reniform-discoid, ca. 3 × 2 mm, margins thickened. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Jun-Sep. Cultivated in Taiwan [native of Mexico and Central America]. | |
如資料有任何錯誤,歡迎聯絡本會. info@hkcww.org | |
6-2453f | |
21-2453u 5-20朵花, 蝎尾形花序 | |
20-2453t | |
19-2453s | |
18-2453r | |
17-2453q | |
16-2453p | |
15-2453o 蝎尾形花序 | |
14-2453n | |
13-2453m | |
12-2453l | |
11-2453k 漿果橙色,球形 | |
10-2453j | |
9-2453i 果熟是黃色 | |
8-2453h | |
7-2453g | |
重要辨認特徵相片已置頂 6-2453f | |
5-2453e | |
4-2453d | |
3-2453c | |
2-2453b | |
1-2453a | |