資料編號: | HK-729 |
中文名稱: | 紫玉盤 |
學名: | Uvaria microcarpa [找同屬植物] | [完整學名] |
英文名稱: | Uvaria |
植物科名: (APG新系統) | ANNONACEAE番荔枝科 [找同科植物] |
標室舊系統 | ANNONACEAE番荔枝科[找同科] |
生長習性: | 攀援灌木 |
原生/外來: | 香港原生植物 |
圖片花色: | red |
發現開花: | June_July |
特別特徵: | 常見植物_單葉互生_二列葉序 |
圖片果色: | orange_purple |
資料更新: | 20240928 11:54:59 am |
備註: 標室: Uvaria macrophylla Roxb. catalogueoflife.org: Uvaria littoralis (Blume) Blume (accepted name) syn: = Uvaria macrophylla Roxb. (Ambiguous) Revived and considered distinct from Uvaria macrophylla and Uvaria littoralis. Uvaria macrophylla is regarded as a synonym of Uvaria littoralis. In: A revised taxonomy for Uvaria (Annonaceae) in continental Asia. Australian link | lin2 U. littoralis 海濱紫玉盤: Leaves >150 x 100 mm, veins 5–25; inflorescence of 2–5 buds in tightly packed rhipidium, upto 3 open at any time, pedicels broad and flattened with abaxial groove, bracts broadly obovate, clasping U. microcarpa 紫玉盤: Leaves <150 x 80 mm; veins 9–12; inflorescence of 1 or 2, rarely 3 buds, pedicel not flattened not grooved, bracts elliptic–oblong, free their inflorescence structure differs, with U. microcarpa having one or two flowers mounted on a narrow elongate pedicel with small elliptical bracts, and the peduncle, where developed, is narrow and circular in transverse section. Furthermore, in U. littoralis the flowers are mounted on a closely packed cyme of 2–5+ pedicels and the peduncle is short and broad, usually having a prominent abaxial groove. [google translated: 它們的花序結構不同,U. microcarpa 有一或兩朵花安裝在一個狹長的花梗上,花梗有小橢圓形的苞片,而發達的花序梗橫切面狹窄且呈圓形。 此外,在 U. littoralis 中,花朵安裝在緊密排列的聚繖花序上,有 2-5 個以上的花梗,花梗短而寬,通常有一個突出的背面凹槽。] 大花紫玉盤: 全株各部均密被星狀短柔毛或星狀銹色絨毛 紫玉盤: 全株幼嫩部位均被星狀短柔毛或星狀絨毛,毛被老時漸脫落。 特徵:藤本。葉互生、革質、柄短。花紫紅色,花期3-8月。果期7月至翌年3月。 大花紫玉盤的葉和枝條披毛比紫玉盤明顯. 大花紫玉盤的花較大朶,顏色更紅更艷麗 雌雄異熟現象是為了被免自花授粉 雌雄同株同花~雌蕊先熟~雄蕊後熟(thanks Christine's info) 深圳植物誌: 攀援灌木,長達18m,全株幼嫩部位均被星狀短柔毛或星狀絨毛,毛被老時漸脫落。葉柄長5—10mm;葉片革質,倒卵形、 長圓狀倒卵形或寬長圓形,長9—30cm,寬3—15cm,基部淺心形、截形或圓,側脈每邊9—14(— 22)條,通常上面不明顯, 下面凸起,先端急尖、鈍或圓,有小突尖。花深紅色至紫紅色,直徑2—3.8cm,單生或雙生, 有時幾朵組成聚繖花序,與葉對生,稀腋生或與葉互生;花梗長0.5—4cm; 小苞片著生在花梗中部或稍上,卵形或寬卵形,長4—7mm;萼片卵形或寬卵形, 長和寬4—5mm;花瓣近卵形或長圓狀橢圓形,長1.2—2cm,寬0.6 —1.3cm, 頂端圓或鈍,極張開;雄蕊密集,長圓形,長約9mm,藥隔卵形, 頂端被微柔毛至無毛,外圍雄蕊倒披針形,長約7mm,不育。心皮密集,長圓形,長約5mm, 柱頭馬蹄形,頂端2裂而內捲,每心皮子房有胚珠多顆,2排。果柄長0.9—1.5cm,被星狀短柔毛。 果卵圓形、圓球形或短圓柱形,長1—3cm,直徑1—1.5cm,成熟時橙黃色,乾後紫褐色, 被星狀短柔毛至無毛。種子球形或卵球形,長約1cm,寬0.7—1cm,黃褐色。花期:3—9月;果期:7月至翌年3月。 | |
如資料有任何錯誤,歡迎聯絡本會. info@hkcww.org | |
更多圖片(組員Facebook群組貼圖,只供組員參考): Crawford Law 貼圖 | |
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